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Funny, Inspirational, and interesting anecdotes and stories about Saanich School District past, present, and future.

September - ĆENŦÁWEN - Coho Salmon Return to the Earth

"This moon marks the arrival of the coho salmon.  The First rains begin to break the drought in the

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Saanich Pride!

Saanich School District staff, students and families joined together to march in the Victoria Pride

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Music in Saanich Schools!

On Monday, May 13th, 200+ students got together at HEL,HILEȻ Park in Brentwood to celebrate music in

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Bullhead Moon - May 7, 2024 to June 5, 2024

"In this moon, the PIOTEȽ (a group of three stars called the Duck Hunters) appears on the horizon. 

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March - Moon of the Frog - WEXES - Begins February 9, 2024

"The frog on the face of the moon represents DOLUÁNW̱ - the Keeper of the Sacred Season.  It is time

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Year End - SIS,ET The Elder Moon

The New Moon starts on Tuesday, December 12th, 2023.

SIS,ET  is the oldest in the moon family and

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Remembrance Day in Saanich Schools

Every year on November 11, Canadians pause in a silent moment of remembrance for the people who have

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SJELȻÁSEṈ - Moon of Putting your Paddle Away in the Bush

"With the coming of this moon, it is now time to thank your paddle for taking you to gather foods

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November: W̱ESELÁNEW̱ - Moon of the Shaker Leaves - Nov 13 to Dec 11, 2023

“The Leaves are ready to fall. The wind comes. Turbulence is felt in the waters and skies. The Earth

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October - PEKELÁNEW̱ - The Moon that Turns the Leaves White

This moon marks the end of Summer and the beginning of cooler weather. 

  • The longer, cooler nights
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