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Codes of Conduct

Codes of Conduct

Helping Students Thrive

The Foundation for Success

A caring, orderly and safe school is the foundation for a successful learning environment. In Saanich Schools, our Codes of Conduct for all students are designed to reflect the Social Responsibility Performance Standards established by the Ministry of Education.


Codes of Conduct

Select from the three tabs below, Elementary, Middle, or Secondary to view the codes of conduct you can expect at your Saanich Schools.

Elementary School

A safe, caring and orderly school is the foundation for a successful learning environment. This Code of Conduct is designed to build and sustain a community that values and fosters respect, inclusion, fairness and equity. Therefore all members of the school community shall not discriminate against others on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family or marital status, physical or mental disability, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, nor shall a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule on the basis of any such grounds. All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of behaviour inconsistent with the Code of Conduct.

All members of the school community have the right to a school environment free from language and actions that hurt or harm others as set out in the Human Rights Code of BC (see paragraph above).  Our Code of Conduct for elementary students is designed to reflect Personal and Social Responsibility core competencies established by the Ministry of Education. All members of the school community have the responsibility to treat others at school with kindness, dignity, and respect.  

In Saanich Schools, we take care of ourselves, each other, and this beautiful place.  We do this by being kind, responsible, showing respect, and being good stewards.

  Respect for Self Respect for Others Respect for Surroundings
  • I take responsibility for my own behaviour
  • I accept myself
  • I advocate for myself
  • I take ownership of my goals
  • I help others
  • I am kind 
  • I show empathy for others
  • I value differences in others
  • I am respectful of other cultures
  • I respect the personal space and privacy of others
  • I look for ways to make our community a better place 
  • I am respectful of the property of others
  • I share responsibility for the health of our planet
  •  I have a positive attitude toward my learning
  • I ask questions respectfully
  • I raise my hand to speak
  • I use strategies to cope with my feelings
  • I try my best
  • I help make the classroom a safe space
  • I work and play cooperatively
  • I listen when others are speaking
  • I advocate for others
  • I ask permission before I take something that belongs to someone else
  • I take care of our classroom so it is clean and comfortable
  • I put garbage and recycling in the appropriate place
  • If I see something on the ground, I pick it up 
  • I treat school books and other materials with care and respect
Online and technology
  • I use technology in a safe and healthy way
  • I use technology to support learning
  • I understand that once something is online, it is forever
  • I will ask for adult help if I have questions
  • I use respectful and inclusive language online
  • I show respect toward others online
  • I always ask permission before sharing a photo online
  • I only say things online that I would say in person
  • I treat school devices with care and respect 
  • I ask for help if I don’t understand how a device works
  • I retrieve and put away technology properly
Personal Digital Devices (PDD)
  • If I require a PDD for medical or accessibility needs, I will use it only as described in my Individual Education Plan or Action Plan.
  • I understand some students may require a PDD for medical or accessibility needs.
  • I make sure that if I have a PDD on the school grounds or at a school event, it is powered off and put away.
  • I walk safely in the hallways
  • I use a quiet voice
  • I wait my turn
  • I keep my hands and feet to myself 
  • I am kind and welcoming toward others
  • I admire hallway displays appropriately
School grounds
  • I play safely
  • I try to solve problems
  • I ask for help when needed
  • I line up if that is expected
  • I include others
  • I share equipment and wait my turn
  • I am a thoughtful and supportive friend
  • I use school equipment appropriately
  • I use school equipment safely
  • I will remain properly seated
  • I will be quiet (I will use a quiet voice) and be safe
  • I will keep personal items on the floor near my feet
  • I will support the driver by remaining quiet and calm
  • I will using appropriate language and volume
  • I will keep my hands to myself
  • I will keep the bus clean by refraining from eating and drinking
  • I will ask the bus driver’s permission to open a window
  • I will keep all personal items inside the bus

Interventions and supports

Regardless of the nature or location of the misconduct, or the staff member involved, the following is a range of interventions and consequences that will be used in Saanich Elementary Schools.  School staff will take into consideration individual education plans, safety or support plans, or any other pertinent documents.

  1. On-the-spot conference or redirection.
  2. Follow-up meeting between the student(s) and staff member(s).
  3. Contact with parent or guardian.
  4. Restitution, including a logical remedy for the problem (e.g., paying for damage willfully caused) and supporting anyone who is a victim or who suffers as a result of the student's actions.
  5. Supportive intervention and/or service to school.
  6. Additional time for the student with the teacher or office (detention).
  7. Referral to counselling, administration, and/or community support services.
  8. Serious or repeated indiscretions are reported directly to the vice-principal or principal.

Administration/teacher response may include steps 1–7 above, but response to serious or repeated indiscretions will be consistent with school and district policy regarding progressive discipline.

Updated June 2023

Middle School

A safe, caring and orderly school is the foundation for a successful learning environment. This Code of Conduct is designed to build and sustain a community that values and fosters respect, inclusion, fairness and equity. Therefore all members of the school community shall not discriminate against others on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family or marital status, physical or mental disability, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, nor shall a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule on the basis of any such grounds.All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of behaviour inconsistent with the Code of Conduct.

All members of the school community have the right to a school environment free from language and actions that hurt or harm others as set out in the Human Rights Code of BC (see paragraph above).All members of the school community have the responsibility to treat others at school with kindness, dignity, and respect.

Safe Schools

A safe school is one in which members of the school community are free of the fear of harm, including potential threats from inside or outside the school. The attitudes and actions of students, staff and parent/guardians support an environment that is resistant to disruption and intrusion, and ensures a positive learning experience for all.

Closed Campus

I have the right to be safe at school during my school day.

I have the responsibility to abide by school bells and boundaries.


The safety and security of students is of primary importance. School administration is legally responsible for student safety and whereabouts during the school day. Therefore, I must bring written permission from my parent or guardian (or have a parent speak directly to office staff) in order to leave the school grounds. Once students arrive on campus they are not permitted to leave the school grounds until the end of the day.

Bikes, Skateboards, Rollerblades, Scooters, etc.

I have the right to be in an environment that does not put the safety of myself or others at risk.

I have the responsibility to walk my bike, and carry my scooter, roller blades, and/or skateboard on school property.


The use of the above modes of transportation should be encouraged; however, wheeled vehicles once on school property can be dangerous to the students themselves as well as others. Therefore, I will walk my bike or carry my scooter, roller blades, and/or skateboard on school property during the school day.

School and Public Buses

I have the right to be safe and respected while riding any bus to and from school, or when on a field trip or an extra-curricular activity.

I have the responsibility to follow the school bus guidelines established by School District No. 63 (reference Admin Procedure 351 - Student Discipline on School Buses). I also have a responsibility to be viewed by the public in a positive manner.


The safety of students is a main concern. Therefore, as an ambassador of the school, I will abide by this Code of Conduct when riding a school bus. In particular, I will get on and off the bus in a safe manner, ride calmy facing forward, and follow any directions given to me by the bus driver or other adult supervisor.

Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, E-cigarettes, Vapourizers

I have the right to be in a learning environment free of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, e-cigarettes, and vapourizers.

I have the responsibility not to be in possession of, under the influence of, or involved in providing to others: alcohol, drugs, tobacco, e-cigarettes, and vapourizers at any time at school or during any school function.


For our own protection and the protection of others, the law forbids the use or possession of these substances by students. Therefore, I will not be in possession of, under the influence of, or involved in providing to others alcohol, drugs, tobacco, e-cigarettes, or vapourizers. I understand that forbidden items include (but are not limited to) alcohol, illicit drugs as defined under the Criminal Code of Canada, unauthorized prescription drugs, and other chemical substances which impair a person's judgement and ability to participate appropriately in the learning environment established by the school (reference School District Admin Procedure 162 - Smoking & Vape Free Environment, Admin Procedure 356 - Possession or Use of Alcohol/Non-Medical Drugs).

Weapons (including replicas), Violence, or Intimidation

I have the right to be in a learning environment that is free from weapons, weapon replicas, violence (acts or threats of), bullying, or intimidation.

I have the responsibility to solve problems in a peaceful way and seek help when needed.


A safe school is one in which members of the school community are free of the fear of harm of violence and intimidation, including potential threats from inside or outside the school. Our School District has -Administrative Procedure 357 - Weapons. The possession or use of weapons, weapon replicas, knives, mace, etc. on or near school premises or at any school function is a serious threat to the safety of students, staff, and the school environment.

Caring Schools

A caring school is one in which members of the school community feel a sense of belonging and have opportunities to relate to one another in positive and supportive ways. All aspects of school life embrace and reflect diversity. The school is an inviting place for students, staff, parents/guardians, and visitors.

Respect for Self and Others

I have the right to learn in a respectful environment and be treated with courtesy and respect.

I have the responsibility to treat all individuals with courtesy and respect, regardless of differences.


Every person should feel valued, be treated respectfully, and be free of harassment. Therefore, I will not engage in behaviours such as rudeness, intimidation, bullying, fighting, or inappropriate physical displays of affection.

Positive, Supportive Learning Environment

I have the right to a positive and supportive learning environment.

I have the responsibility to demonstrate a commitment to my learning.


A positive, supportive learning environment is necessary for success. Therefore, I will actively engage in the learning process, come to class on time prepared to learn, and complete class and homework assignments, 

Appropriate Language

I have the right to be spoken to calmly and respectfully.

I have the responsibility to speak politely and use language and tone of voice that is respectful to all members of the school community.


Being able to use appropriate language is a valuable life skill. When language is offensive to others, hurt feelings may lead to further conflict. Therefore, I will not engage in name calling, yelling, swearing, rude, or discriminatory language, whether it is spoken, written, implied or gestured.

Respect for School, Public, and Private Property

I have the right to a clean and well-maintained school-learning environment.

I have the responsibility to respect school property, as well as the property of staff, students and the people who live in our neighbourhood.


Taking care of the school and its surroundings demonstrates pride in the school. A clean school offers a healthy and pleasant place to work. Therefore, I will use garbage cans and recycling bins appropriately. All students and staff should feel that their personal belongings are safe at school. Therefore, I will respect school property and other people's belongings, and I will be accountable for any willful damage.

Orderly Schools

An orderly school is one in which members of the school community are informed about and exercise their rights and responsibilities as school citizens. Expectations about routines, acceptable behaviour, and respect for self and others are generally understood and consistently followed. 


I have the right to attend school without excessive disruptions.

I have the responsibility to attend all my classes on time.



Success comes from being responsible. Therefore, I will be present and on time to the best of my ability, and my parent/guardian will contact the school when absent. I will also sign in or out from the main office if I am late to school or leaving early.

Personal Electronic Devices

Saanich Schools are committed to restricting the use of personal digital devices at school to promote online safety, digital literacy and focused learning environments

I have the right to learn in a focused, respectful, and safe learning environment and school community free from the distraction of digital devices.  

I have the responsibility to ensure my personal digital device is turned off and stored in my locker or backpack from the first bell to the last bell at the end of the day.  This includes earbuds and headphones. 

I may use personal digital devices during instructional time for educational purposes only with permission and under the supervision of a staff member. During these times, I understand that I must use any digital device ethically, safely, and responsibly. In addition, I am aware that the device must be returned to my locker or backpack once the specific learning task is complete.

I understand some students will require access to their personal digital device to ensure accessibility and support accommodation needs or for medical/health needs.

Our office phone may be used to both make and receive calls if students or parents need to notify each other for important matters during the school day.  Personal digital devices may be turned back on at the end of the school day and used to communicate directly with parents/family/friends who are assisting in transportation.


Digital devices can be used to support educational purposes in significant ways, but they can distract and harm others if used inappropriately. It is important to learn how to use these devices in appropriate ways and at appropriate times.

Personal digital devices promote disconnection between students and their learning as well as their interpersonal relationships. There is a growing field of research into the impacts of personal devices on mental health and academic performance. Limiting access to distractions enhances the ability to focus thus improving student performance. 

Intimidation or bullying through the use of digital devices will not be tolerated at school. Therefore, I will not be involved in taking or posting photos or videos and/or hurtful messages or comments about others in any electronic forum. 

The Order defines this term as “any personal digital device that can be used to communicate or to access the internet, such as a cell phone or a tablet.” Additional examples of devices that may fall into this definition are smart watches, gaming devices, and electronic toys, and includes earbuds and headphones.

Personal Appearance

I have the right to dress comfortably in a way that reflects my personal identity.

I have the responsibility to dress in a manner that does not promote drugs or alcohol, display offensive language or images, or which encourages discrimination, and which recognizes school as a place of learning.


I believe that positive personal appearance reflects good judgement as well as respect for myself and others.

Student Movement and Designated Areas

I have the right to attend an orderly and safe school.

I have the responsibility to demonstrate orderly and safe conduct.



Students should be able to enjoy a peaceful and orderly environment. Therefore, I will walk in the hallways, be respectful of people's personal space, and be in the areas that are designated for my grade at any given time during the school day.


Interventions and Consequences

Regardless of the nature or location of the misconduct, or the staff member involved, the following is a range of interventions and consequences that will be used in Saanich Middle Schools.School staff will take into consideration individualized education plans, safety or support plans, or any other pertinent documents.All forms of intervention will include, where applicable, case managers/advocates.

  1. On-the-spot conference or redirection.
  2. Follow-up meeting between the student(s) and staff member(s).
  3. Contact with parent or guardian.
  4. Restitution, including a logical remedy for the problem (e.g., paying for damage willfully caused) and supporting anyone who is a victim or who suffers as a result of the student's actions.
  5. Supportive intervention and/or service to school.
  6. Additional time for the student with the teacher or office (detention).
  7. Referral to counselling, administration, and/or community support services.
  8. Suspension, including in-school or out of school
  9. Serious or repeated indiscretions are reported directly to the vice-principal or principal.


Administration response may include steps 1–7 above, but response to serious or repeated indiscretions will be consistent with school and district policy. Where students refuse to cooperate with staff directions and school expectations, as repeat offenders or through single incidents, parents will be involved and a suspension may result. As well, suspensions will be strongly considered and parents and police will be involved where chargeable offences occur (fighting, threatening, assault, willful damage, possession or use of weapons, theft, tampering with fire alarms, possession or influence of drugs or alcohol). 

Sequence of Consequences

The range of responses is not necessarily sequential. This means that the point at which an intervention begins will vary with the severity of the incident, and that not all steps are necessary in all situations. For example, a teacher may simply confer with a student or may refer the matter to counselling or administration. Some issues, such as classroom misbehaviour, may result in sequential elevation up the scale, depending on the student's response to teacher intervention. On the other hand, major infractions such as fighting, involvement with alcohol, etc. may be elevated directly to step 8.

Updated June 2023

Secondary School

A safe, caring and orderly school is the foundation for a successful learning environment. This Code of Conduct supports socially responsible behaviour and allows members of the school community to be fully informed of School District 63 Secondary Schools’ common expectations for student behaviour.    

Social Responsibility

We are guided by the following four aspects of Social Responsibility for BC Schools as identified by the Ministry of Education and Child Care:

  • Contributing to the classroom and school community
  • Solving problems in peaceful ways
  • Valuing diversity and defending human rights
  • Exercising democratic rights and responsibilities

All members of the school community shall not discriminate against others on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family or marital status, physical or mental disability, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia.  Nor shall anyone publish, post through social media, or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule on the basis of any such grounds. All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against anyone who has made a complaint of a breach in the Code of Conduct.

School rules apply at all school functions even when they occur off school grounds or outside of the regular school day. Students are also reminded that they may be held responsible to the school from the time they leave home before school until the time they arrive home after school. All staff (teaching and non-teaching) have a general supervision responsibility during school time and at any school function, whether on formal duty or not, and students are required to comply with this authority.


Students are expected to attend all of their classes on time. Teachers record attendance for each class. Missed classes mean missed learning! Full attendance is essential to school success. Students who miss classes are responsible for making up the missed learning time.

Late to Class

Students are expected to be in classes on time. Lateness is a type of absence that interferes with learning. Frequent tardiness may result in teacher intervention to make up for the missed learning time.

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to present their own work in class and on homework assignments. In Saanich Secondary Schools, the working definition of plagiarism is using another person's work and presenting it as your own. Plagiarism is a form of cheating, and could be in the form of written, visual, audio, or other media. If submitted work includes ideas from another person, credit must be given in the form of a citation.

Recently the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a major concern.  Doing academic work requires that the work you turn in is your own. A paper that is written by AI is not considered your own original work. Using any of these to write your papers is considered a form of plagiarism. 

Plagiarism will result in consequences determined by the teacher and/or administration and may include loss of marks for the assignment.

Dress Code

Clothing should be suitable for a school learning environment. Clothing and footwear should be comfortable and appropriate for students to participate safely in all school activities. Articles of clothing that promote alcohol, drugs, inappropriate language, gang culture, weapons, violence, or racism are not permitted. Students wearing such clothing will be asked to change. 

Scented Products

There is an increasing number of staff and students who react to scented products. These reactions can range from headaches to anaphylaxis. We request that students and staff refrain from wearing or using scented products while at school.

Personal Digital Devices

Saanich Schools are committed to restricting the use of personal digital devices at school for the purpose of promoting online safety, digital literacy and focused learning environments

It is expected that students store their personal digital devices (cell phones, headphones, etc…) out of sight, in their backpack or locker, and on airplane mode during class time. Teachers may plan student use of personal digital devices for instructional purposes. Some students will require access to their personal digital device to ensure accessibility and support prescribed accommodation or medical/health needs..

Our office phone may be used to both make and receive calls if students or parents need to notify each other for important matters during class time. Personal digital devices may be accessed during lunch and transition times. 

Personal digital devices are not to be used in settings such as change rooms, washrooms, or private counseling rooms that have the potential to violate a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy.  Showing disrespect for another person’s privacy through improper use of a personal digital device will result in the loss of cell phone/personal device use while on school property.  

The Order defines this term as “any personal digital device that can be used to communicate or to access the internet, such as a cell phone or a tablet.” Additional examples of devices that may fall into this definition are smart watches, gaming devices, and electronic toys, and includes earbuds and headphones


Schools are venues in which gaming is not permitted. Placing bets and wagering money are not appropriate school activities.

Respect for Public Property and Careful Use and Return of School Materials and Equipment

Students are expected to take responsibility for the care of textbooks or school resources signed out in the student's name. There should be no damage to school resources, property or equipment. If such damage creates an expense to the school, then the person responsible for the item will be expected to reimburse the school for costs. 


The school environment should be neat and litter-free. We ask all students to look after their litter by putting it in the nearest garbage can or recycling container.

Appropriate Language

Language used by all members of the school community should be respectful, polite and inclusive. Any communication that is disrespectful, demeaning, or discriminatory to others, including lying, inappropriate and profane language, or hate speech is unacceptable.  

Loss/Damage to Personal Property or School Community 

We expect members of the student body to respect school and personal property. Students are responsible for any damage done to other people's property and will be charged for replacement or repair. Students should also respect the property and rights of the people who live in the neighbourhood of the school or those people we come in contact with through our many off-site activities.

Safety First

Student activities at the school should take into account student safety and minimize risks to students. We encourage healthy modes of transportation to and from school such as cycling, scootering, skateboarding. In order to maintain safety, during the school day, students are not permitted to ride or perform tricks on school property.  Water guns and water balloons are not allowed at school unless agreed upon with school administration. Any other activities that may be considered safety sensitive will be addressed by school staff.

Student Drivers and Parking

Students will park in designated student parking and will display a valid school parking permit. Parking in staff reserved spots may result in loss of parking privileges. Students are not to be in or around parked vehicles during class time. Driving without undue care may result in a suspension of parking privileges. In extreme cases where safety is compromised, i.e., fire lane, vehicles may be towed at student's expense and referred to the police liaison officer.


In order for school administration to be accountable for everyone in attendance and to safeguard students and staff, all visitors to the school must first report to the main office upon arrival and seek permission from an administrator to visit/enter the school. The expectation is that students registered at other schools are not permitted on school grounds during school hours, unless permission has been granted by school administration.

Security and Safety

Students are expected to refrain from any act, including verbal or written (online or in person) comments, that disrupts the good order of the school. Jokes or pranks that may be seen as a threat to the security and safety of an individual or the wider school community, will be addressed as a serious issue. “I was just kidding” is no defence once the damage is done.

Intimidation, Harassment and Violence

Every student, regardless of peer group, has the right to feel safe at school.  Any acts of harassment, discrimination, intimidation, threats of any type (physical, emotional, verbal or sexual, including bullying, cyberbullying, physical violence, or retribution against a person who has reported an incident) are unacceptable.

Instigators, Spectators or Bystanders

The daily endeavour of students, and all school activities, should take place without interference or disruption. Students who encourage, support or promote acts of intimidation, harassment or violence either by direct action or by spectating are subject to school disciplinary action. This can include activities that occur during or after school hours, on or off school property.  It is the responsibility of every individual within the school community to bring acts of intimidation, harassment and or violence forward to school administration.  

Acceptable Use of Internet Technology

School computers and internet resources, used carefully and wisely, can provide important avenues of learning for students. Inappropriate uses of Internet communications, including the sending of threatening or harassing comments or cyberbullying, are unacceptable. Any incidents will be addressed as a very serious issue. Students will engage in appropriate curricular behaviour when using the district network. Students will not publish other people's personal information. For example, name, location, phone number, images, video, work, username, or other personal information.  Online activity/social media outside of school hours when it negatively affects the safety and wellbeing of students is not acceptable.

Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, E-Cigarettes, Vapourizers

Individuals have the right to be in a learning environment free of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, E-cigarettes and vapourizers. They have the responsibility not to be in possession of, under the influence of, or involved in providing to others: alcohol, drugs, tobacco, E-cigarettes and vapourizers at any time at school or during any school function. Smoking anything is not permitted in the school building, on the school grounds, in the neighbourhood of the school or at any school function. The Capital Regional District’s Clean Air Bylaw allows for an up to $200 fine for people who smoke on school grounds (reference School District Admin Procedure 162 - Smoking & Vape Free Environment,  Admin Procedure 356 - Possession or Use of Alcohol/Non-Medical Drugs).


Our School District has Administrative Procedure 357  - Weapons. Students who bring weapons/explosives to school are subject to suspension from school. Weapon replicas may also be considered as weapons and will be dealt with accordingly. Laser pointers are included in the District Weapons Administrative Procedure and are prohibited at school.

Reporting Incidences of Concern 

Students are expected to inform a staff member of incidents of bullying, harassment and intimidation as well as of any knowledge related to possession of weapons or illegal substances. Any student who is involved in, observes, or knows about a concerning situation at school, or at a school function, should contact the nearest staff member as soon as possible to report the details of the event. In these cases, the staff will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation against a student who has reported a breach in the Code of Conduct. Students may report incidents anonymously on-line by accessing the ERASE Bullying site, available under the student link on the school website, or by completing an anonymous reporting form found on the office counter. School Administrators and counsellors will review these reports and do everything possible to find a solution.


Any students who have information about inappropriate behaviour or criminal activities are asked to contact a staff member. Students can also engage our school Crime Stoppers program by contacting the school administration or calling the anonymous Crime Stoppers Tips Line at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Notification of Parent/Guardians or Other Agencies

The school has the responsibility to advise parents/guardians of unacceptable behaviour demonstrated by the student. We expect that parents and the school staff will work together to bring about a change of behaviour and that efforts will be made in this regard. In some cases, parents of a second party (e.g., a victim) will also be contacted and informed of an investigation into another student's conduct. Administrators may be required by policy or law to contact School Board Officials, police, or other agencies.

Interventions and Consequences

Range of Interventions: Regardless of the nature or location of unacceptable behaviour, or the staff member involved, the following is a range of interventions and consequences that may be used in Saanich Secondary Schools. School staff will take into consideration individualized education plans, safety or support plans, or any other pertinent documents. All forms of intervention will include, where applicable, case managers/advocates.

  1. On-the-spot conference or redirection
  2. Follow-up meeting between the student(s) and staff member(s)
  3. Contact with parent or guardian
  4. Restitution, including a logical remedy for the problem (e.g. paying for willful damage caused) and supporting anyone who is a victim or who suffers as a result of the student's actions
  5. Restorative Justice conference/facilitation
  6. Supportive intervention and/or service to school
  7. Additional time for the student with staff, at the office or at tutorial/learning support
  8. Referral to counselling, administration, and/or community support services
  9. Suspension, including in-school or out of school
  10. Referral to district student review c

Rising Expectations

As students move through their years in secondary school, they are expected to assume increasing responsibility and self-discipline. Students will be given numerous opportunities to participate in making decisions and to work on committees and in groups to improve the school community and environment. Students are expected to take on more of a leadership role and to serve as role models as they move through the graduation years. 

Updated June 2023