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Where to Register

Saanich School District invites applications for Prospect Lake Elementary School for K-5 families living Out of District for the 2025-2026 school year. Please complete an online application by May 30, 2025.   Please note, only families receiving a placement will be contacted.

Registration requests are being accepted for the current school year and for September 2025.

Kindergarten to Grade 5

Online registration is now available for students in Kindergarten to Grade 5. 

Please ensure you select the correct start date for your child.  Click HERE for more information.



Grades 6 to 8

Registration occurs at the middle schools.




Grades 9 to 12

Registration occurs at the secondary schools.


Work/Study Permit Applicants

Please contact the Saanich International Student Program at

The Registration Process

1 Registration Form

Parents / Guardians of children who are seeking placement at their neighbourhood in-catchment school are required to complete a standard registration form for each child.

Supporting Documentation:

In addition to completing this form, you must bring the following original documentation with you when you register your child:

  1. Student Identification:

    • Original Birth Certificate or Valid Passport
    • Permanent Residents or Landed Immigrants must also provide a Permanent Resident Card or Certificate of Canadian Citizenship for both the parent and student
  2. Student BC Services Card

  3. Parent Identification:

    • Valid Passport or BC Driver's License and/or BC Services Card or BCID
  4. Any legal documentation regarding guardianship, custody or parenting time arrangements if applicable.

  5. Proof of Residence - Please review the list of eligible documents below required to demonstrate residency within Saanich School District.

2 Determine Your Catchment School

Use School Locator to look up your catchment area school according to your home address.

Please note: While every effort has been made to provide accurate and current information, should there be any discrepancy, the final decision on catchment-area schools resides with the School District.

Residence Outside a School's Catchment Area

If you are seeking a placement for your child at a school other than your catchment area school, please follow the above process as well as completing an Out of Catchment Area Application form.  Please note that requests are not guaranteed and will be determined based on availability of space and supports.

When all required information has been provided, your child's name will be added to the waitlist for the appropriate grade level at the school of your choosing. This process takes somewhat longer as the school will not confirm placement for "out of catchment" students until in-catchment families have been accommodated.  Please refer to Administrative Procedure 300 (Admission of Ordinarily Resident Students).  Placement is done on a first-come, first-served basis on the following enrollment priorities:

  1. Re-enrolling students (a currently enrolled child who is scheduled to attend the same school next year)

  2. Siblings of re-enrolling students

  3. Catchment area children

  4. Non-catchment area children

  5. Out of district children

Once registered in a school, students will be treated as if they were "in-catchment". This will also apply when students transition from elementary to middle and secondary schools.  Please note the sibling rule only applies if the older sibling is still attending the school when the youngest enters. Once school placement is confirmed, the receiving school will contact the family.

3 Proof of Residence

Proof of residence documents must contain proof of current address.

Home Owners

Please provide TWO of the following:

  • Home Purchase Agreement
  • Property Tax Statement
  • Home Insurance Policy
  • Property Assessment
  • Utility bill (Hydro, Fortis, Cable)

AND ONE of the following showing address:

  • Canadian Bank or Credit Card Statement
  • BC Vehicle Registration
  • Income Tax Statement
  • BC Driver's Licence and/or Parent BC Services Card or BCID


Please provide:

  • Rental agreement signed by the landlord with landlord’s contact information

AND TWO of the following showing address:

  • Utility Bill (Hydro, Fortis, Cable)
  • Canadian Bank or Credit Card Statement
  • BC Vehicle Registration
  • Income Tax Statement
  • Renter’s Insurance Policy
  • BC Driver's License and/or Parent BC Services Card or BCID

Frequently Asked Questions

While every effort is made to place children who wish to attend their neighborhood school, occasionally it becomes necessary to explore alternate placements when class sizes reach their maximum. Please be assured that all other options are thoroughly explored before making such a decision. Every effort is made to secure a school as close as possible to the in-catchment school.

Once all of the required information has been provided the District Placement Office will perform an assessment of available space and families will be notified as soon as a school placement is confirmed.

School District 63 (Saanich) - District Student Placement Office
2125 Keating Cross Road
Saanichton, BC V8M 2A5
Phone: (250) 652-7300
Fax (250) 652-6421
E-mail: (during regular school hours)