Please see our December Health & Wellness Resource: Mental Health and Well-Being - The Power of
Mental Health and Wellness Snapshots
Health & Wellness
Mental Health & Wellness
The Saanich School District remains committed to wellness and the promotion of positive health in our schools and communities.
Please visit our Mental Wellness Hub for ideas and resources for parents and caregivers, students, and for staff.
Monthly Health & Wellness Snapshots
Monthly snapshots promote mental wellness and social-emotional learning, with an invitation to learn together as we foster and promote positive health in our own lives, and the lives of those around us. View the most recent snapshots below, or use the button at the bottom of the page to view past Health articles.
Please see our December Health & Wellness Resource: Provincial Supports for Student Wellness and
Please see our October Health & Wellness Resource: Building Belonging at School
Our June health and wellness resource: June - Well-Being Over the Summer
Our May health and wellness resource - May - Resilience and Well-Being
Our April health and wellness resource - April - Digital Well-being
Our March health and wellness resource - March - Mental Health & Well-Being
Our February health and wellness resource - February - Healthy Relationships for Well-Being
Our January health and wellness resource - January - Coping with Climate Anxiety
Our December health and wellness resource - December - Well-being Over the Holidays
Our November health and wellness resource - November - Supporting Well-Being at Home
Our October health and wellness resource - October - Healthy Habits and Well-Being
Our September health and wellness resource - September - Mental Health and Well-Being
Our June health and wellness resource - June - Mental Health and Well-Being
Our May health and wellness resource - May 2022 - Equity for Well-being
Our April health and wellness resource - April 2022 Substance Abuse
Our March health and wellness resource - March - Trauma and Resilience
Find out more in our February health and wellness resource: February - Kindness and Compassion
Our January health and wellness resource - January - Hope and Optimism for Well-Being
Our December health and wellness resource - December - Digital Technology, Screen Time and Well
Our January health and wellness resource: January - Mental Health Literacy