
Please check the latest bus schedules for any route changes.
Check AM routes here.
Check PM routes here.
2024-25 Bus Registration is now Closed.
Please email if you need transportation for the remainder of the year.
2025-26 Bus Registration will open on April 1st 2025 at 12:00pm.
To avoid late fees all riders must register between April 1 and May 31.
Priority 1—Registrations processed by June 15 (A confirmation email from transportation will be sent to you with link for payment at this time).
Priority 2—Waitlisted (A confirmation email will be sent after July 15 if space is available with a link for payment at this time).
Priority 3—Waitlisted (Priority 3 waitlisted registrations processed, space dependent after August 1st and may not be confirmed before school start up).
Payment is only collected once transportation confirms to you by email that there is space on the bus. That email will have a link for payment.
The school bus registration process has been updated, see the information sheet found here.
Yes, all riders from K to 12 need to register. It is a government requirement to have a passenger list for each bus.
Ask your student if they know their number. It is the number used to log on school computers and on report cards. Please DO NOT provide student Personal Education Number (PEN) which is generally 9-digits. If unknown please contact their school.
Registrations received by May 31st, 2024 - $25.00.
Registrations received after May 31st, 2024 - $100.00.
Registrations are not confirmed until fees are paid and an email from the Transportation Department has been received confirming route.
Yes, all registered and confirmed students will receive a bus pass at their school. Students are required to tap or scan their bus pass when getting on and off the bus.
There is a $10.00 replacement fee for a lost or damaged bus pass. Students must report their lost or damaged card to their school office. They will be issued a temporary card once the replacement fee has been paid.
Altering the cards in any way will result in deactivation of the bus pass.
Only if your student is registered on an accessibility bus. You can email the Transportation office at
Only registered riders for that route may use the transportation service.
In accordance with MVA regulations, school bus drivers CANNOT transport items other than a regular backpack which can fit comfortably on the student’s lap without extending into the space of others or into the aisle. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to the following:
- Guitars, trombones, tenor and baritone saxophones
- Drums, cellos and other large instruments
- Hockey sticks and equipment
- Lacrosse sticks
- Baseball bats
- Skateboards (long and regular boards)
- Scooters
- Large school projects that will not fit on a student’s lap.
- Bicycles
- Regular sized back packs or bags that sit comfortably on a student’s lap.
- Small band instruments such as flutes, clarinets, violins and other instruments up to that size.
- Sport balls that fit into a backpack and are in a backpack while on the bus.
- The SD63 Transportation Department has a responsibility to transport students to and from their schools safely.
Items left on the bus will be available on the bus for the students to retrieve the next day. Cell phones and other valuables will be brought to the Transportation office each day. Please email with the Bus # the student was on and a description of the lost item.
Students should be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Parents/guardians meeting their student after school at a bus stop need to be there at least five minutes early.
All bus runs are completed, even if late.
1. Routes, subject to being economically viable, will be established to ensure:
1.1 Transportation to their regular program catchment school for those students living outside the following walk limits by traveled road or walkway from their regular program catchment school:
1.1.1 Kindergarten – Grade 5 Students: 2.5 kilometres
1.1.2 Students of Grades 6 – 12 inclusive: 4.8 kilometres
Students entitled to transportation in paragraph 1.1 will not have to travel further than 2.5 kilometres by traveled road or walkway to the nearest bus stop.
Travel times are optimized for students being transported to their regular program catchment school from outside the walk limits established in paragraph 1.1.
1. Application for Bus Service
1.1 A parent wishing bus services for their student for the subsequent school year must apply annually by May 31.
1.1.1 A family moving into the District or moving within the District after that date needs to apply as soon as possible if they wish to apply for bus services for their students.
No. Drivers can suggest changes, or a parent can email the Transportation Department, but the final decision rests with the Transportation Department.
Students will scan their card when they get on and off their bus. The scan will show when students have boarded or exited their bus and will also alert bus drivers if a student boards the wrong bus. Transportation will have a record of attendance on the bus, just like attendance is kept every day in our schools. Transport Canada Law states that an attendance record for each bus route.
Bus drivers do their best to include everyone, particularly in the morning. If a student is not registered, the bus driver will record the students full name, and will contact the Transportation office. For student safety, we must know who is riding the bus, and ensure the student is registered for Saanich Schools.
Bus transportation service will not accommodate transportation to extra-curricular activities or locations other than the student’s home address(es) or approved afterschool care.
In order to maintain registration for bus service on a route that is at capacity, registered riders must ride the bus for a minimum of 35% of the school days each month, except in exceptional circumstances.
Please start by contacting your student’s administration who can give you more information about next steps.
The School Act does not require school districts to provide school bus transportation services and therefore it is the responsibility of each family to determine the best transportation option to and from school to meet their needs.

Transportation Contact Information
Monday to Friday 7:30am—4:00pm 
Closed 12:00pm—1:00pm
(250) 652-7343
School Bus Riders Code of Conduct
- The bus driver is in charge and enforces rules on the bus within district standards. Students must be respectful and listen to the driver.
- Bus students are required to scan their bus pass each time they board and disembark the bus. Bus passes are important to ensure students are accounted for while riding the bus.
- Drivers may assign students to a specific seat. Students should take their seats quickly and must remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Eating, or drinking can be dangerous if the bus must stop suddenly. Therefore, it is not permitted on the bus.
- Students must stay in bus loading zones while waiting and will load and unload the bus in an orderly manner.
- Students are not permitted to take pictures or record videos while on the bus. Students are also asked to not use cellular phones or headphones /electronic devices during the loading or unloading process.
- Keep voices low for safety. Students must not yell or raise their voices. Students must be respectful.
- Leaving waste or other rubbish on the floor or throwing it from the window is not permitted.
- Smoking, vaping, graffiti, yelling, using profanity, loud media devices, or distracting the driver is strictly prohibited.
- Students may not have anything in their possession that may cause injury to anyone else on the bus.
- Students may open windows with the drivers permission. Refrain from putting heads, arms etc out the window as this is dangerous. Leaning into the aisle, or legs/arms in the aisle is not permitted.
- Students must remain in the safety zone after getting off the bus. They are to remain there until the bus leaves and disperse when safe to do so.
Feb 7, 2025
Bus Registration for 2024-25 is Now Closed
Please email if you need transportation for the remainder of the year.
2025-26 Bus Registration will open on April 1st 2025 at 12:00pm.
August 21, 2024
Bus schedule Updates
Please check the latest bus schedules for any route changes.
Check AM routes here.
Check PM routes here.
April 1, 2024
Bus Registration for 2024-25 is currently Open.
Go to the Registration Tab for more info.
September 2023
Bus Registration for 2023-24 is currently Closed.
Late Registration will be delayed due to the ongoing processing of current late registration entries. We are experiencing a higher volume of emails and phone messages and are currently processing a backlog of over 250 late registrations. This will take some time as many of our routes are now full. We will post the routes that have availability, at a later date. To avoid these delays please remember to register every year in April for the next school year.
September 2023
Saanich Schools works diligently to provide consistent, predictable bus service to students and their families. Like many organizations in this current labour market, we are experiencing recruitment and replacement challenges in a number of areas. This includes district bus drivers.
To date, we have been able to replace drivers who are absent due to illness ensuring uninterrupted bus service. However, it is important to share with you that while we continue to prioritize consistent bus service, there may be situations beyond our control that result in the need to cancel specific bus routes if we are unable to replace a driver on a particular day.
If any bus routes do need to be cancelled, we will endeavor to communicate by email to affected parents / guardians by 6:15am on the day in question. In addition, we will post a general message to X (formerly Twitter) @sd63schools and on our Saanich Schools website.
Parents / guardians are asked to check their email and the school district website for any updates to bus schedules. Please consider developing alternate transportation plans for your child if we are unable to provide bus service on your route.
Thank you for your understanding.
Gord Bridges Transportation Manager
Transportation Policy Review
Please click here to view the Virtual Transportation Open House Presentation. To view the Draft Transportation Policy Revisions please click here.
School bus service may be cancelled for the day or may only be provided to winter stops when a route is considered too dangerous to travel due to snow or ice conditions.
For cancellations parents will be informed before 7:00am through local radio stations as well as a posting on the district website.
Additional route specific information such as a winter route advisory will be sent to parents.
Please ensure any updates to contact information are provided to the Transportation Department so that notices can be received.