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School Start-Up Message from the Superintendent (Aug 29 2024)

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Happy New Year!  We are fortunate in education to have two times in the year when we can say that. This is the best one, as we begin another journey welcoming your children back into our schools.  My hope is that you and your family have had a wonderful summer and are now eager to return to the familiar routine of school. I’ve included a few ‘start up’ items for your information as we head into the Labour Day Long Weekend.

School Readiness

I would like to thank our Facilities and Information Technology teams which, once again, have worked their magic this past summer completing a number of renovations and upgrades. I’ve been in a few schools already this year and they are looking fabulous.  Our two biggest schools of Claremont Secondary and Stelly’s Secondary are undergoing some significant work, but we anticipate them to be ready for next week.

  • Claremont had an unfortunate flood in the front foyer and surrounding areas when the sprinklers were being worked on, however, the restoration crews have done a great job ensuring that the school will be ready. 
  • Stelly’s is completing stage 1 of a complete heating and ventilation system upgrade. This will take about 4 years to complete but we are well on our way to having a more efficient and economical system in place.

Cell Phone Restrictions

Recently enacted provincial standards for Student Codes of Conduct mean that as of Tuesday Sept 3rd, Saanich Schools have clearly articulated expectations in place for student cell phone usage while at school. The use of personal digital devices (cell phones and other electronic devices) is designed to be appropriate for a student’s age and development. We have updated our Codes of Conduct as well as created a new Administrative Procedure (AP345 – Student Use of Personal Digital Devices) which outlines these expectations. The district believes that students learn best when they are in an environment that supports learning and limits distractions. We also recognize the capacity with new and future technologies to create opportunities for constructive use of these devices to aid instruction and learning. While teachers and school administration will retain the authority for deciding when devices may be used, these expectations provide the framework for when they may be considered.

In essence the rules state the following:

  • Elementary Schools: Little or no use of personal digital devices.
  • Middle Schools: Limited use of personal digital devices is permitted during instructional time for educational purposes.

    Secondary Schools: Limited use of personal digital devices is permitted during instructional time for educational purposes, and during scheduled breaks.

    These expectations will be discussed with your children when classes resume.

Health and Wellness – A Message from Dr. Bonnie Henry

We continue to take our direction on all health-related items from Island Health, the Provincial Health Officer (Dr. Bonnie Henry) and the BC Centre for Disease Control ensuring that our schools are safe, welcoming places for students and staff.  Dr. Henry has issued a statement encouraging parents to ensure their children are up to date on their vaccines as part of their back-to-school preparations:

“As the summer holidays draw to a close, many families are starting to think about their back-to-school tasks. Buy school supplies. Take their children for haircuts. Help their kids pick out the perfect outfit for the first day of school. This year, I’m urging you to add another important item to your to-do list: Ensure that your children are up to date on their routine vaccinations and they get vaccinated against common illnesses, such as measles, mumps and rubella, polio, pertussis (whooping cough) and chickenpox. August is the perfect time to take your children for any outstanding vaccines. As kids start or return to child care or school, they’ll be interacting with many friends, caregivers and teachers, increasing their chances of being exposed to these and other infectious diseases. And we know respiratory-illness season will soon be here, bringing COVID-19, influenza and other viruses.”

Ministry of Education and Child Care (MECC) & Strategic Plan 2022-2027

The MECC is focused on several areas this coming year including its continuing work on curriculum alignment, Truth & Reconciliation, anti-racism, and student literacy. We are well aligned here in Saanich with the Board’s Strategic Plan 2022-2027 and its focused themes of Literacy, Indigenous Learner Success, Mental Health & Wellness, and Global Citizenship which have been strategically chosen as key areas of focus as we continue in our journey of improving student success.

Welcome back everyone!  We’re excited for the year ahead.


Dave Eberwein

Superintendent & CEO, Saanich Schools