Principals will endeavour to ensure school/home communication is relevant and timely. The District further believes that the decision, as to the manner, format style and content of school/home communication, is the responsibility of the Principal.
The District understands the difficulty of central decision-making regarding the choices of both inclusion and exclusion of information to be sent home.
The District has adopted a philosophy of decentralization in many of its operations, leaving decision-making closest to the individual workplace.
- Each Principal will develop guidelines regarding the distribution of information from school to home.
- Guidelines for decision-making regarding the type of information sent home must be clearly communicated to staff and parents.
- Guidelines will include the following:
- All information which is not school initiated but permitted to be distributed through the school must clearly indicate the author and/or organization being represented.
- All information of a commercial, political or religious nature shall require the approval of the Assistant Superintendent.The PAC president will be consulted.
- The Principal has the power of veto as to what information may be distributed to homes from their school.