The purpose of the District Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is to enable the rapid and cost-effective delivery of essential services in the event of a service disruption or disaster. The BCP documents the District’s essential services, our resumption organization, resumption strategies and other processes that will ensure the successful achievement of resumption time objectives.
- Resumption Time Objectives for Essential Services
The District will restore its essential services based on the following guidelines:
- Critical services: within 24-48 hours of the disruption
- Vital services: within 72 hours
- Necessary services: within two weeks
- Desired services: as soon as practical, taking the conditions of the disruption into consideration
- Areas of Responsibility
- Business Resumption Team
- The Business Resumption Team reports directly to the Superintendent and is responsible for coordinating and managing the development, exercising, validation, maintenance and implementation of the District BCP.
- Schools
- Principals are responsible for the development, activation and implementation of their plans as components of the District BCP.
- Principals will administer their own exercise, maintenance and awareness programs, ensuring their plans effectively support the District BCP.
- Plan Activation
- The authority for the activation of the District BCP rests with the Superintendent or designate(s). The management of the District BCP activation process is the responsibility of the BCP Team, unless otherwise designated.
- Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
- School Regulation 265/89