While every effort will be made to ensure the high quality of learning resources chosen in accordance with Administrative Procedure 251 – Selection of Learning Resources, there may be times when the value of a specific resource may be questioned. This Administrative Procedure allows for the inclusion of the opinions of those persons in the schools and the community who are not directly involved in the selection process.
Any resident, parent of a child in the district, or employee may formally challenge learning resources used in the District's educational program on the basis of appropriateness.
- In the event a controversy arises over prescribed instructional materials, the Superintendent approves the following process:
- That no parent or group of parents has the right to determine the print or non-print resources for students other than their own children.
- The Superintendent does, however, recognize the right of an individual parent to request that their child not have access to print or non-print resources, provided a written request is made.
- Any parent who wishes to request reconsideration of the use of any print or non-print resource in the school must make such a request to the Superintendent.
- That the final decision for controversial print or non-print resources shall rest with the Superintendent after careful examination and discussion of the print or non-print resources with school officials or anyone else the Superintendent may wish to involve.
- In the event a controversy arises over school or district-based learning resource materials, the Principal shall follow these procedures:
- Receive the concerns but make no commitments.
- Invite the complainant to file objections in writing.
- Temporarily withdraw the material pending a decision of the local school committee.
- The local school committee (appointed by the Principal) to serve in an advisory capacity shall include the Principal, the Teacher-Librarian and parents who are representative of the whole school community. This committee will:
- Review the resource referenced.
- Check general acceptance of the materials.
- Weigh values and faults against each other and form opinions based on the material as a whole.
- Meet to discuss the material and to prepare a report on it.
- File a copy of the report in the school and administrative offices, and inform the Superintendent.
- Sections 7, 8, 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
- Copyright Act
- Ministerial Order 333/99 Education Program Guide Order
- B.C. Ministry of Education Learning Resources Policy July 1, 2017
- ERAC Evaluating, Selecting and Acquiring Learning Resources: A Guide