The District is committed to recruiting and retaining the best qualified exempt staff to provide a critical role in providing leadership and specialized administrative functions to the District with the delivery of sound educational programs and organizational services. Exempt staff in the District play an important role in delivering and supporting District initiatives to meet these objectives.
Exempt staff are comprised of positions that are not affiliated with a union and covered by a collective agreement. The District groups these employees into three categories: District Management/Senior Management, Principals and Vice-Principals, and Professional and Administrative Staff.
The District is committed to transparent and accountable financial processes. The District requires excluded staff timesheets to be appropriately substantiated and authorized. This Administrative Procedure is subject to the requirements as set out in Policy 18 - Recruitment & Selection of Personnel.
- District Management/Senior Management
- The District has the responsibility to establish procedures with respect to delivering educational programs and services to our students. The Superintendent is accountable for the delivery and implementation of those procedures. To this end, District Management/Senior Management provide a leadership function in the District and are responsible for the efficient operation of the District.
- The Superintendent is responsible for the selection of District Management staff. The Superintendent is responsible for the general supervision of District Management/Senior Management through direct and delegated authority. The Director of Human Resources is responsible for administrative contract matters related to conditions of employment, compensation and benefits in compliance with legislated mandates.
- Principals and Vice- Principals
- Principals and Vice-Principals provide leadership and management to our schools in aligning school goals with District directions and fostering an environment of instructional excellence.
- The Superintendent is responsible for the selection of Principals and Vice-Principals. The Superintendent is also responsible for assessing needs in the District, specific skills, and potential professional growth when considering the transfer and assignments of Principals and Vice-Principals.
- The Superintendent is responsible for the general supervision and direction of Principals and Vice Principals employed in the District. The Director of Human Resources is also responsible for administrative contract matters related to conditions of employment, compensation and benefits in compliance with legislated mandates.
- Professional and Administrative Staff
- Professional and Administrative Staff provide organizational administration, overall day-to-day operation, and support to the District. These positions are specific in nature and generally include financial management, human resources management, facilities management, maintenance management, information technology management or provide administrative support in dealing with highly sensitive or confidential matters.
- District Management/Senior Management and the Director of Human Resources are responsible for the selection of Professional and Administrative Staff. The Director of Human Resources is responsible for administrative contract matters related to conditions of employment, compensation and benefits in compliance with legislated mandates.
- Exempt Staff Time Reporting
- The District requires weekly timesheets for non-union employees to be approved by the employee’s Supervisor for accuracy and to provide confirmation that any recorded leaves requiring prior approval have been obtained.
- Weekly timesheets must be completed by the employee indicating the standard hours of work per day and whether the work was completed away from the employee’s normal work location.
- Any exceptions to the normal work day at the normal work location are to be discussed between the employee and the Supervisor prior to the date of the amended work schedule.
- Any exceptions to the hours worked (i.e. sick days, medical appointments, work off location, etc.) must be recorded on the timesheet by the employee.
- Timesheets must be submitted to the Supervisor at the end of the week for approval.
- Exceptions on the excluded staff timesheets will be recorded in the District payroll information system upon receipt of the authorized excluded staff timesheet.
- Sections 22, 65, 85 School Act
- Employment Standards Act
- Human Rights Act
- Public Sector Employers Act
- Board Policy 18