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Transportation - Kelset


 Routes to ḰELSET Elementary School

ḰELSET Elementary School

When selecting a route and stop location you MUST plan separate routes both TO and FROM your school, bus routes are grouped accordingly below. Browse through multiple interactive maps by route number, then click on a location marker to reveal pick-up/drop-off times for that stop (times are approximate). 

Take note of the route# and the stop location name (IE. route #1 - 2 AM,  stop - BARRETT DR & DEAN PARK DR) to register a student on that bus.

District policy places walk limits of: 2.5km (for K to 5); 4.8km (for 6-12). Buses typically do not stop within those distances from a school.


Maps Helper

This brief video will demonstrate how to view and navigate the transportation route maps below.

Watch the video