The Fire Services Act requires that a system of fire drills be adopted and practiced by all persons in every school.
- Inspections
- Fire safety inspections shall occur as indicated in local municipal bylaws.This is to be completed by the Principal or site Supervisor in conjunction with the Fire Marshall.
- Fire Drill Procedures
- Fire drill and evacuation procedures shall be established in each school/site.
- Drill procedures at schools shall include:
- A first aid kit being taken to the command post. Emergency medical forms and supplies shall be kept close to or within the emergency first aid kit;
- Classroom doors and windows being closed;
- Quiet, orderly and purposeful evacuation;
- Reporting procedures to the command post.
- Fire Drills – Times
- As per the BC Fire Code, fire drills shall be held as follows:
- Three (3) drills in each of the fall and spring school terms.
- Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
- B.C. Fire Code
- Fire Services Act
- School Regulation 265/89