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Administrative Procedure 165 - Appendix D



The District lies in an area which has the possibility of strong earthquake activity.  The District is committed to developing and maintaining a comprehensive earthquake program to safeguard students and staff.

The Superintendent and the administrative staff of the District believe in the importance of being ready for an earthquake.  Therefore, the District promotes overall emergency preparedness in all facilities and supports improving the levels of education and training for all employees.


  1. The District supports the implementation of preparedness procedures outlined in the School Emergency and Critical Incident Response Information Manual.
  2. Principals shall design a specific School Earthquake Plan in the format prescribed and provided in the Handbook.
  3. In conjunction with the Parents’ Advisory Council, each school will purchase an initial complement of basic earthquake response supplies and equipment for each school as outlined in the Handbook.
  4. Principals will provide earthquake training for staff to the degree that is practicable and with the support of the District Health and Safety Manager who will assist with resources.
  5. Principals will encourage PAC participation to enhance each school’s School Earthquake Plan.
  6. District Office will become an Emergency Operations Centre and will coordinate the District’s post earthquake response activities.
  7. Staff and students at all locations will practice earthquake drills at least twice a year.
  8. The District Health and Safety Committee will review District procedures every year to ensure a high level of preparedness.
  9. The District will ensure an ongoing liaison with the Provincial Emergency Program (PEP), Saanich Emergency Program (SEP) and Peninsula Emergency Measures Organization (PEMO).
  10. Every employee will:
    1. Remain on the scene in the event of an earthquake to ensure the safety of students until otherwise directed by the administration of the school.
    2. Carry out their assigned responsibilities as designated whether under the individual School Earthquake Plan or as part of the District Office/Earthquake Plan.
    3. Where employees are using a District vehicle at the time of an earthquake, they shall report to the Principal of the nearest school, and in the absence of specific direction from the District Office/Emergency Operations Centre, assist the staff at the school under the direction of the Principal.
  11. The local Health and Safety Committee or safety representative will:
    1. Assist the Principal in preparing a site specific earthquake plan.
    2. Attend earthquake training programs where possible.
  12. The Health and Safety Manager will:
    1. Ensure that the District’s Earthquake Preparedness Handbook is made readily available to staff and kept up-to-date and relevant.
    2. Assist principals who request earthquake preparedness training with special resources who can assist.
    3. In the event of an earthquake, coordinate the District response, including ensuring that the District Emergency Operations Centre is made immediately operational in the District Office.
  13. Senior administration, directors and managers will:
    1. In the event of an earthquake, report to the District Emergency Operations Centre located in the District Office and assist in coordinating the District’s response activities.
    2. Foster positive attitudes towards earthquake preparedness and encourage staff participation in the program.
  14. The Principal will:
    1. Assign staff to carry out designated responsibilities under the School Earthquake Plan to the degree that is possible.
    2. Work with the local Health and Safety Committee or representative to prepare a site specific earthquake plan.
    3. Ensure that earthquake drills are carried out at least twice per year and report the results of these drills to the Health and Safety Manager.
    4. Ensure that the VHF radio supplied to each school by the Health and Safety Manager is kept operational and readily accessible for emergency situations.
    5. Ensure that posters provided by the Health and Safety Manager outlining standard procedures are conspicuously posted in each classroom.
    6. Ensure that a hard copy or access to electronic copy of up-to-date student demographic data is kept readily available at all times.
    7. Information on earthquake preparedness will be made available to parents at the beginning of each school year outlining the school's earthquake safety program and including procedures for parents to follow in the event of an emergency.
    8. Ensure that the schools complement of earthquake supplies and equipment (as outlined in the Earthquake Preparedness Handbook) are up to date and in order.
    9. Establish a post earthquake staff release order which takes into account the need of certain staff who have the direct responsibility of day-to-day care for young, special needs, elderly or otherwise vulnerable family members.



  • Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
  • Emergency Program Act
  • School Regulation 265/89


  • November 2020