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Administrative Procedure 214



The District provides a core French language program to K-12 students in their neighbourhood school. The District also provides a French Immersion Program of Choice in selected elementary, middle and secondary school sites.


  1. The following programs will be offered:
    1. Core French Program (for students who do not choose French Immersion).
      1. For Kindergarten to grade 5 students at all District elementary schools, with the main objectives of developing basic verbal fluency in French and appreciating the inter-connection of language and culture.
      2. For grade 6-8 students at all District middle schools, to further develop verbal fluency and introduce written language.
      3. As an elective, for grade 9-12 students at all District secondary schools, to advance the skill areas of listening, reading, writing and speaking in order to provide a sound working knowledge of French upon graduation.
    2. Early French Immersion Program (Program of Choice)
      1. In two elementary schools, one middle school and one secondary school (known as “dual track schools”).
      2. With instruction of the basic curriculum in French from a French-speaking classroom teacher, from Kindergarten to grade 12.
      3. With English Language Arts introduced in elementary and increasing proportionally as a percentage of daily instruction through middle school and secondary school under Ministry of Education guidelines.
      4. With a main objective of providing an education equivalent to the regular English language program and also providing a high level of proficiency in spoken and written French, leading to functional bilingualism upon graduation.
      5. With students normally entering Early French Immersion in Kindergarten and occasionally in Grade 1.
        1. With students, who upon graduation will be able to easily participate in French conversations, take post-secondary courses with French as the language of instruction and/or accept employment with French as the language of the workplace.

          The following chart shows the Ministry recommended time allocations for French language instruction:
          Grade % of French Instruction
          K-2 or 3 100
          3 or 4-7 80
          8-10 50-75
          11-12 no less than 25


  2. Key Responsibilities of District personnel:
    1. Principals
      1. Work with Human Resources staff in the hiring and assignments of French Immersion and Core French teaching staff.
      2. Ensure that federal funds allocated for French language programs are used for those programs.
      3. Promote French language and English programs equally in dual-track and single-track schools in the District.
    2. Teachers
      1. Speak and write French with a high degree of proficiency as determined by oral and written assessments administered by the District.
      2. Provide students the opportunity to learn about the culture of French-speaking peoples.
      3. Engage in professional learning relevant to the teaching area and continue, where necessary, to upgrade language skills and fluency.
      4. Promote French language learning while participating with English program staff in all aspects of dual or single-track schools.
      5. Uphold the philosophy and practices of inclusion in French instructional environments and involve the school-based team to support students’ unique needs and program choice.
    3. Director of Instruction, Learning and Innovation
      1. Oversees Core French and French Immersion programs in all schools.
      2. Allocates federal funds to schools and programs as per the Ministry Federal Funding Guide for French programs, including bursaries to teachers.
      3. Attends District Core/Immersion meetings where possible.
      4. Oversees hiring practices and assists where necessary.
      5. Ensures representation and advocacy for French programs in the District.
  3. Enrolment and Registration for French Immersion
    1. If necessary, registration in French Immersion will take place through a Kindergarten district lottery process for each elementary school.
    2. District registration priorities will be followed as per Administrative Procedure 305 – Student Enrollment and Choice.
    3. Late entry (after kindergarten) into the Early Immersion Program will be considered as follows:
      1. Students who have come to the District from another French Immersion program may enter the program in the District at the appropriate level given space availability and language proficiency.
      2.  Kindergarten students who begin in an English program may transfer mid-year to a French Immersion program with the approval of administrative staff.
      3. Students who have completed Kindergarten in English have the option to transfer to grade one French Immersion with approval of administrative staff.
      4. Consistent with Ministry policy, after grade one, any student wishing to enroll in French Immersion who has not previously been in a French Immersion program elsewhere, will be assessed for language proficiency by the Schoolbased Team.
  4. Transportation
    1. As French Immersion is a Program of Choice, parents may be required to provide transportation to schools offering French Immersion.



  • School Act Sections 8.2, 17, 20, 22, 65, 75, 85
  • School Regulation 265/89
  • Education Program Guide MO 333/99
  • Required Areas of Study MO 295/95 Min of Education, French Immersion Program
  • Section 23 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
  • Policy 24 – Programs of Choice


  • April 2021

