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Administrative Procedure 219



Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) Courses are part of local programs and must be authorized by the Board.  The Board’s review of Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) Course proposals, through the Education Directions Committee, ensures that high quality local course offerings are made available to students.


  1. Board/Authority Authorized courses:
    1. Are intended to provide students with specific information that reflects local community interests or needs;
    2. Are offered in Grades 10-12 to supplement the provincially authorized courses available to students;
    3. Will be considered for adoption by the Board based on the detailed program plan or course overview developed using the guidelines in the Ministry document Board/Authority Authorized Courses: Requirements and Procedures Guidebook;
    4. The impact of the course on existing courses, on the school’s operating, learning resources and equipment budgets, and on the school’s facilities; and
    5. Can be used by students to fulfill any or all of the 28 elective credits needed to complete the 80-credit graduation program.
  2. Submission
    1. Course submissions will describe:
      1. The procedures utilized in creating the submission, including teacher involvement;
      2. The educational rationale for such a course, including the need for a BAA designation and alignment to Ministry curriculum priorities;
      3. The course content; the procedures for selection of learning resources, which must comply with this Administrative Procedure; the anticipated methodology to be utilized; the student evaluation criteria; and the link, if any, to other school or District programs;
      4. The anticipated budget and facility requirements, including a listing of proposed course fees and the anticipated amount and type of travel; and
      5. The impact of the course on existing courses, on the school’s operating, learning resources and equipment budgets, and on the school’s facilities.
    2. Those courses not being offered for three consecutive years will automatically be removed and will require a new application for approval by the Board.
  3. Review
    1. There will be a periodic review of existing Board/Authority authorized courses.



  • Sections 6, 11, 17, 20, 22, 26, 75, 85, 88, 89, 91 School Act
  • School Regulation 265/89
  • Individual Education Plan Order M638/95
  • Special Needs Students Order M150/89
  • Support Services for Schools Order 149/89


  • November 2020