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Administrative Procedure 240



School based counselling services are an important dimension of the education process and support the inclusive educational objectives of the District.

Counselling services shall be available to all students from kindergarten to grade 12 as an integral part of school programs and services.


Counselling includes services such as individual counselling, small group counselling and classroom teaching that assists students in personal, social, educational or career development.  Counselling services may be psycho-educational, pro-active or crisis oriented.


  1. Principals shall support the provision of counselling services which are consistent with provincial policy and procedures, subject to the approval of the Superintendent. Roles and responsibilities of counsellors shall be included.
  2. Counselling services provided by the school shall meet identified needs of students in three key areas:
    1. Educational;
    2. Personal/social; and
    3. Career development.
  3. School counsellors or individuals providing counselling services in schools shall respect the confidentiality of information received in accordance with professional ethics and the law.



  • Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
  • Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


  • November 2020