Students are to be provided with a safe and secure environment in which to learn. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the District will meet the requirements of the Criminal Records Review Act (the “Act”).
The District acknowledges and accepts its responsibility to ensure that criminal record reviews are conducted on all employees and any other person who may potentially have unsupervised access to students.
- All employment with the District will be conditional upon a satisfactory criminal record review. Criminal record reviews are to be completed for employees and practicum students in accordance with the Act.
- All persons other than employees and practicum students who may have unsupervised access to students are for the purpose of this Administrative Procedure defined as non-employees.Non-employees as defined in this Administrative Procedure include but are not limited to volunteers, contractors, and homestay parents.
- Review of non-employees is required every three years.
- Criminal record reviews are to be held in strict confidence.
- The results of the review must be satisfactory to the Director of Human Resources before the employee, practicum student or non-employee commences or continues an activity where unsupervised access to students may occur.
- Sections 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
- Child, Family and Community Services Act
- Criminal Records Review Act
- Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
- Criminal Code of Canada
- Food and Drugs Act
- Public Safety Statutes Amendment Act