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Administrative Procedure 540 – Appendix B



Enrolment projections will be prepared on a long-range basis under the direction of the Director of Facilities, Transportation and Capital Projects and will be reviewed and brought up to date annually.


  1. The projections are to take into account:
    1. Figures from the latest census,
    2. School registration figures,
    3. Forthcoming changes in city planning and zoning,
    4. Current and planned land development and housing projects in the District,
    5. Any other data on population trends and school enrolment that may be available to school officials.
  2. Results of enrolment projections may be reported periodically to the Board.
    1. Whenever construction of new school facilities or the closing of any school building is contemplated, the District may authorize outside studies of the demographics of the District.



  • Sections 20, 22, 23, 65, 85 School Act


  • November 2020