Administrative Procedure 555
The District usually doesn’t provide funding for the purchase and installation of school playground equipment. Where a school, parent group, and/or community wish to fund such equipment, arrangements shall be made through the Director of Facilities with regard to obtaining the necessary approvals regarding the design, construction, and installation of such equipment.
- The community group shall work with the Principal on any playground project located on school property.
- New playgrounds and expansions or alterations to existing playgrounds must be approved by the Director of Facilities.
- The Director of Facilities, shall approve the location and installation of playgrounds and equipment on school grounds.
- Signed approval by the Director of Facilities is required on a site plan, showing the exact location of the proposed play structure, before any site preparation takes place.Proper site plans can be obtained from the Director of Facilities.
- Plans, structures and equipment specifications shall be submitted to the Director of Facilities, for approval prior to any work proceeding.
- Before any digging all utility companies are to be contacted to mark out their respective lines.
- All equipment purchased must conform to the specifications outlined in Administrative Procedure 515 - Purchasing.
- All equipment shall be installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
- All play areas shall have adequate impact-resistant surfacing materials.
- All playground equipment shall have documented inspection, repair and upgrade programs determined by the Principal and a representative of the Maintenance Department on a regular basis.
- All playgrounds shall have appropriate signage regarding unsupervised use outside of school hours.
- Decisions to remove equipment will be made by the Director of Facilities, after consultation with the Principal.
- Where a community group is funding the installation of a playground, the community group is responsible for all costs associated with the installation including design, applicable permits, installation and completion.
- Once the Director of Facilities approves a playground structure on District property, it will be maintained by Maintenance Department personnel.
- In the event that playground equipment is worn out, unsafe and beyond economical repair, the Principal will be advised and the community group will be given an opportunity to either upgrade or replace the equipment.
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