The Board is charged with the responsibility of providing a public education system that is organized and operated in the best interests of the students and community it serves for the purpose of preparing citizens for participation in a democratic society. It exercises this responsibility through setting and assessing clear strategic directions and the allocation of resources in alignment with the strategic plan and district goals.
Specific Areas of Responsibility
- Accountability to the provincial government
The Board shall:
- Act in accordance with all statutory requirements of provincial legislation to implement educational standards and policies.
- Perform Board functions required by governing legislation and existing Board policy.
- Provide advice to the Ministry of Education.
- Improvement of student achievement and individual success
The Board shall:
- Ensure Board agendas reflect the Board’s commitment to improving student achievement and individual success.
- Ensure the Saanich Strategic Plan references student learning key results and strategies for assessment.
- Ensure resources for approved initiatives to improve student outcomes are included in the annual operating budget.
- Ensure the effectiveness of the Superintendent’s leadership in improving student outcomes is assessed annually.
- Support measures that promote student well-being.
- Accountability to and engagement of community
The Board shall:
- Make decisions that address the needs of the student population in the district.
- Establish transparent processes and provide easily accessible opportunities for community and partner group engagement.
- Report District outcomes including student outcomes to the community at least once annually.
- Develop procedures for and hear appeals as required by statute and/or Board policy.
- Model a culture of respect, integrity and inclusion.
- Engage and consult with the WSANEC First Nation.
- Whenever possible, beyond the provision of mandatory education for students, school district facilities will be made available to the community.
- Promote the use of Board property for the purpose of providing child care programs between the hours of 7am and 6pm on business days.
- Engage the community, on an ongoing basis, to assess the need for child care programs on Board property, and how the Board will support principles of Indigenous reconciliation in child care; and inclusive child care.
- Strategic planning and reporting
The Board shall:
- Provide overall direction for the District by establishing foundational statements.
- Set District priorities and key results to be included in the District’s Strategic Plan.
- Annually evaluate the effectiveness of the District in achieving established priorities and key results.
- Approve the District’s Strategic Plan and any adjustments.
- Policy development, implementation and evaluation
The Board shall:
- Identify how the Board is to function.
- Delegate authority to the Superintendent and define commensurate accountabilities.
- Make the final decision as to the approval of all policies.
- Develop, assess, review and revise policies as required to ensure intended results are being achieved and that policies are consistent with legislation.
- Ensure Board decisions which are intended to have continuing effect are integrated into existing or new policy statements.
- Review all policies at least once in a term of office.
- Review Administrative Procedures which are developed, deleted or significantly amended to ensure they are in alignment with Board policy and advise accordingly.
- Board/Superintendent relations
The Board shall:
- Select the Superintendent.
- Provide the Superintendent with clear Board direction.
- Delegate in writing administrative authority and identify responsibility subject to the provisions and restrictions in provincial legislation and regulations.
- Evaluate the Superintendent’s performance.
- Set and review the Superintendent’s compensation.
- Respect the authority of the Superintendent to implement Board decisions and legislated directions and support the Superintendent’s actions which are exercised within the delegated discretionary powers of the position.
- Ensure all Board members interact with the Superintendent in a respectful and professional manner.
- Political Advocacy / Influence
The Board shall:
- Make decisions regarding BCSTA and BCPSEA issues.
- Advance District positions and priorities including through the BCSTA and VISTA where applicable.
- Act as an advocate for public education and the District.
- Develop an annual plan for advocacy including focus, key messages, relationships and mechanisms.
- Promote regular meetings and maintain timely, frank and constructive communication with provincially and locally elected officials and staff as appropriate.
- Arrange meetings with elected provincial/federal government officials to communicate and garner support for priorities and directions.
- Board development:
The Board shall:
- Assess the Board’s effectiveness and performance.
- Once a term the Board will develop a development plan with accountability measures aligned with District priorities and Board evaluation outcomes and use a Board planning day to review progress
- Fiscal accountability
The Board shall:
- Approve budget consultation plan including timelines at the outset of the budget process.
- Approve the annual budget and allocation of resources in alignment with the Strategic Plan to achieve desired results.
- Annually approve the District’s updated Five Year Capital Plan.
- Appoint or re-appoint the auditor and approve the terms of engagement.
- Review annually the audit report and management letter and approve those recommendations to be implemented.
- Make decisions regarding ratification of any memoranda of agreement in local bargaining
- Approve the acquisition and disposition of District land and buildings.
- Approve the annual spending plan for the Annual Facilities Grant.
- Approve the amended annual budget.
- Monitor the fiscal management of the district through receipt of monthly fiscal accountability reports (January through June).
- Approve borrowing for capital expenditures within provincial restrictions.
- Approve transfer of funds to/from restricted and non-restricted surplus funds.
Additional Responsibilities
The Board shall:
- Approve annual district calendar in accordance with legislation and collective agreements.
- Approve Board Authority Authorized Courses.
- Annually set limits for International students.
- Name or rename educational facilities and land.
- Recognize students, staff and community members for significant accomplishments.
- Approve contracts and agreements as required by legislation.
- Approve changes to student fee schedule.
- Hear unresolved student or staff complaints of discrimination or harassment that cannot be heard by the Superintendent.
- Approve the implementation and cessation of district programs and approve any imposition of, or changes in fees for programs that charge fees.
- Approve parameters for negotiations after soliciting advice from the Superintendent and ratify Memoranda of Agreements with bargaining units.
- Review and approve Board compensation and expense rates.
- Approve catchment areas for schools and district programs.
- Approve changes in grade configurations.
- Approve the reopening of a closed school.
- Dispose and acquire of district property and buildings.
- Annually review student enrolment and staffing report.
- Approve changes to the Strategic Plan.
- Annually review and approve the Annual Board Work Plan.
- Approve Corporate Identity.
- Determine the composition of and select the Executive Committee.