In response to requests from external organizations or agencies, the Board will give consideration to naming representatives to various external committees, agencies and organizations. Such representation is established at the discretion of the Board to facilitate the exchange of information on matters of mutual concern and/or to discuss possible agreements between the District and other organizations.
The Board will determine the terms of reference for each representative. The Board shall be guided by the following principles when naming representatives to other organizations:
- The Board's decision-making role can be exercised only by the Board as a whole, not by an individual trustee or committee;
- The Board's function is governance, rather than administration;
- Responsibilities placed on trustees are to be closely related to the Board's central role as per Policy 2.
The Superintendent may appoint resource personnel to work with the representative and shall determine the roles, responsibilities and reporting requirements of resource personnel.
The following organizations/committees will have Board representation as identified normally at the annual Inaugural Meeting or alternatively at a subsequent meeting of the Board.
External Committees as described below
- BC School Trustees’ Association (BCSTA) Provincial Council. The purpose of the Provincial Council is to:
- Act as a forum for discussion of relevant, timely and emerging issues identified from individual Boards, BCSTA Board of Directors, Ministry of Education and other sources.
- Discuss, and/or develop, policy issues for submission at the Annual General Meeting.
- Establish interim policies of the Association between general meetings.
- Address matters as outlined in BCSTA bylaws, including Association budget approval.
- Act on action requests from BCSTA Board of Directors
- Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
- Attend Provincial Council meetings.
- Represent the Board’s positions and interests at the provincial level.
- Communicate to the Board the work of the Provincial Council.
- Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
- Build positive relationships.
- Membership
- One (1) trustee; one (1) alternate; elected by the Board.
- Meetings
- As called by Provincial Council. (Usually 4 per year, one at the AGM)
- BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA). The purpose of BCPSEA is to:
- Act as the accredited bargaining agent for the BCSTA’s members.
- Assist in carrying out any objectives and strategic directions established by the Public Sector Employers’ Council.
- Coordinate collective bargaining objectives, benefit administration, human resource practices and out-of-scope compensation matters amongst members.
- Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
- Attend the BCPSEA meetings as required.
- Represent the Board’s positions and interests at BCPSEA meetings.
- Communicate to the Board the work of BCPSEA.
- Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
- Build positive relationships.
- Membership
- One (1) trustee; one (1) alternate elected by the Board.
- Meetings
- Vancouver Island School Trustees’ Association (VISTA). The purpose of VISTA is to:
- Receive reports from the BCSTA Board of Directors.
- Discuss and/or develop policy issues for submission at the Annual General Meeting.
- Act as a forum for discussion of VISTA issues.
- To provide trustee learning and development.
- Powers and Duties of the Board Representatives
- Attend VISTA committee Meeting; Branch Chairs Committee Meeting, Aboriginal Education Representatives Meeting, Resolutions Committee Meeting, and Professional Learning Committee Meeting.
- Represent the Board’s positions and interests at VISTA meetings.
- Communicate to the Board the work of the VISTA branch.
- Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
- Build positive working relationships with other Boards.
- Membership
- Any trustee may attend the VISTA meeting; however, one (1) trustee elected by the Board as representative to VISTA.
- Meetings
- Four (4) meetings per year or as called by VISTA as scheduled.
- Municipal Authorities and External Organizations
The Board seeks to have a mutually beneficial relationship with municipal authorities and other external organizations when common purpose can be identified. To that end the Board welcomes invitations to have District representation on such agencies.
If such agencies deal only with administrative matters the Board of Education shall be represented by administrative staff selected by and reporting to the Superintendent. Where trustee representation is required, the terms of reference for the representative shall be as follows:
- Purpose
- Represent the Board’s positions and interests to the agency.
- Powers and Duties
- Communicate to the Board the work of the agency.
- Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary including any need for the Board to establish positions on specific issues.
- Build productive relationships which advance the interests of the Board.
- Membership
- One trustee as determined by the Board or Board Chair as required.
- Meetings
- At the call of the external committee chair.
- Sections 8.4, 8.5, 22, 65, 74, 85 School Act
- Ministry of Education website