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Policy 9


The Board’s ability to discharge its obligations in an efficient and effective manner is dependent upon the development and implementation of a sound organization design.  In order to discharge its responsibilities to the electorate of the District, the Board shall hold meetings as often as necessary.  A quorum, which is a simple majority of the number of trustees, must be present for every duly constituted meeting.

The Board has adopted policies so the business of the Board can be conducted in an orderly and efficient manner. All points of procedure not provided for in this Policy Handbook shall be decided in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.

The Board’s fundamental obligation is to preserve, and enhance, the public trust in education, generally, and in the affairs of its operations in particular. Consistent with its objective to encourage the general public to contribute to the educational process, Board meetings will be open to the public. Towards this end, the Board believes its affairs must be conducted in public to the greatest extent possible.

There are times when the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) legislation requires, or when the Board determines, that public interest is best served by private discussion of specific issues in "in-camera" sessions.

In order to carry out its responsibilities effectively, the Board will hold periodic meetings of several types. Formal meetings, at which all formal and legal business of the Board as a corporate body shall be done, may be designated as inaugural, regular, or special meetings.

The Board of Education for the school district is comprised by legislation of a total of seven (7) trustees elected from the following trustee electoral areas:

  • Two (2) trustees from Central Saanich
  • Two (2) trustees from Saanich
  • Two (2) trustees from North Saanich
  • One (1) trustee from Town of Sidney

The Board has adopted specific policy governing Board operation and the conduct of its formal meetings.

  1. Inaugural and subsequent annual meetings of the Board
    1. The first or Inaugural meeting of the Board of Education in the year of trustee elections shall be held at 7:00pmn on the first Monday after November 1st, in the Board Room of the administration building and shall be in accordance with Sections 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54 of the School Act.
    2. The Secretary Treasurer of the Board, or in their absence, the acting Secretary Treasurer, shall call the meeting to order and shall preside at such meeting until a Chair shall have been elected. Upon calling the Inaugural meeting to order the Secretary Treasurer shall proceed to read the returns of elections to the Board as certified by the returning officer and shall report that the necessary oaths and declarations have been completed in accordance with Section 50 of the School Act.
    3. During the years in which there is not a trustee election an annual meeting shall be held at 7:00pm on the first Monday in November in the Board Room of the administrative building.
    4. The Secretary Treasurer shall conduct the election of a Chair for the ensuing year. Nominations shall be made and a vote upon the persons nominated, if more than one, shall forthwith be taken by secret ballot. The person who receives the majority of votes of the trustees present shall be declared elected. If upon the first ballot no person receives a majority of votes, successive ballots will be taken until one of the persons nominated shall receive a majority.  A majority of the Board may elect a new Chair or Vice-Chair at any time in accordance with Section 87.4 of the School Act.
    5. The Secretary Treasurer shall then declare such person as the Chair of the Board for the ensuing year or portion thereof.
    6. The Chair shall then forthwith call for nominations for Vice‑Chair for the ensuing year or portion thereof, and shall conduct such proceedings in the same manner as enumerated in paragraph 1.4 above.
  2. Regular Meetings
    1. Each regular and special meeting of the Board shall ordinarily adjourn at 11:00pm unless it is decided by a two‑thirds majority of the trustees present to continue such meeting.
    2. A quorum shall be a majority of those trustees holding office.
    3. Unless there be a quorum present within one‑half hour after the appointed time, the meeting shall stand adjourned.
    4. The Secretary Treasurer shall ensure that each trustee receives a notice of meeting together with the agenda at least three days prior to the regular Board meeting date.  Such agenda shall state all business to be transacted or considered thereat, and no other business shall be considered unless members of the Board agree by majority.
    5. The time and dates for meetings for the ensuing year will be determined by the Board after consultation with the executive.
    6. As soon after the hour of meeting as there shall be a quorum present the Chair shall preside and call the meeting to order.
    7. In case the Chair is not present within fifteen minutes after the appointed time, the Vice‑Chair shall preside, call the meeting to order, and continue until the arrival of the Chair.
    8. Immediately after the meeting has been called to order the minutes of the preceding meeting or meetings shall be adopted as circulated, or corrected if necessary.  Subsequently they shall be certified as correct by the Secretary Treasurer and signed by the Chair or Vice‑Chair as the case may be.
    9. The Chair shall preserve order and decorum, and decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Board, and in the absence of the Chair, the Vice‑Chair shall have the same authority while presiding as the Chair would have, if present.
    10. Whenever the Chair is called upon to decide a point of order or practice, the point shall be stated without unnecessary comment, and the Chair shall cite the rule or authority applicable to the case.
    11. The Chair shall have the same right of voting as the other members of the Board.
    12. All questions shall be decided by a majority of votes but in the case of an equality of votes for and against the motion, the question is resolved in the negative and the Chair shall so declare.
    13. In the absence of the Chair and the Vice‑Chair from any meeting of the Board, the trustees present shall elect one of their number to act as Chair.
    14. Should the Chair decide to vacate the position of the Chair for any purpose, they shall call upon the Vice‑Chair to assume the responsibility in the interim.
    15. Each trustee, prior to speaking on any question or motion, shall address themselves to the Chair.
    16. When two or more trustees desire to speak at the same time, the Chair shall name the trustee who shall speak first.
    17. When the Chair is putting the question, or when a member is speaking, no trustee shall interrupt except to raise a point of order, or for the purpose of explanation.
    18. A trustee called to order by the Chair shall immediately cease speaking but may afterwards explain; if there is no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be final.
    19. Each member of the Board shall confine themself to the question under debate.
    20. Any trustee may require the question or motion under discussion to be read at any time during the debate but not in such a manner as to interrupt a member while speaking.
    21. No trustee shall speak more than twice on the same question and not more than two (2) minutes each time unless the Chair determines the need to do otherwise or the Board moves for informal consideration of the question as per Robert's Rules of Order.  The Chair may permit members of staff and partner groups to speak on the question as they consider appropriate in the circumstances.
    22. The Chair shall declare the result of all votes, and in the case of a trustee wishing to be recorded as opposed it shall be so recorded in the minutes provided that such trustee states his/her wishes at the time that the vote is taken.
    23. No person officially taking part in the Board meeting shall leave the Board room during a meeting without permission of the Chair.
    24. All petitions, communications, accounts and reports within the jurisdiction of a standing committee may, on presentation to the Board, be referred to the proper committee or official by the Chair without motion.
    25. A notice of motion shall be required to amend or suspend any standing order, policy, bylaw or rule of the Board.  Such notice of motion may be submitted to any regular or special meeting of the Board for information and shall be voted upon at a subsequent regular meeting.
    26. All meetings of the Board shall be, unless otherwise herein prescribed, governed by Robert's Rules of Order, except when these rules are in conflict with the School Act or Regulations.
    27. Order of Business
      The Secretary Treasurer in conjunction with the Superintendent of Schools and after consultation with the Chair of the Board shall prepare a proposed agenda for each regular meeting of the Board as follows:
      1. Call to Order and Welcome
      2. Adoption of the Agenda
      3. Adoption of minutes of the last regular or special meeting or meetings
      4. Business arising out of the minutes
        1. Presentations (pre-booked and for Board receipt)
        2. Delegations (pre-booked and for possible Board deliberation)
        3. Questions (from partner groups and members of the public)
      5. Report from the Chair
      6. Report from the Superintendent of Schools
      7. School Successes
      8. Indigenous Education Council
      9. Committee Reports
        • Education Directions
        • Finance, Facilities & Technology
        • Human Resources
        • Policy
      10. Reports from Trustee Representatives
      11. Correspondence
      12. Question Period (from partner groups and members of the public)
      13. Other business as admitted
      14. For Information
      15. Adjournment
  3. In-Camera Board Meetings
    1. If in the opinion of the Board or a standing committee of the Board, the public interest so requires, the Board or the standing committee shall adopt the procedure of moving into an "In-camera" session pursuant to section 69(2) of the School Act.
    2. The order of business at all In-Camera sessions, unless varied by motion, shall be as follows:
      1. Adoption of Agenda
        • Consideration of Late Items
        • Adoption of Agenda
      2. Adoption of In-Camera Minutes
      3. Business Arising out of the Minutes
      4. Report from Board Chair
      5. Report from Superintendent of Schools
      6. Presentations
      7. Committee Reports
        • Education Directions
        • Finance, Facilities & Technology
        • Human Resources
        • Policy
      8. Reports from Trustee Representatives
      9. Correspondence
      10. Question Period
      11. Other Business as Submitted
      12. For Information
      13. Motion to Rise and Report
  4. Special Meetings
    1. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chair at any time. Any trustee may request a special meeting, such request to be made to the Secretary Treasurer and shall include the names of three other trustees who have agreed to the need for such a special meeting. Prior to a special meeting being called, all trustees must be notified of the meeting and its purpose.

      Robert’s Rules clarifies that written notice includes electronic communication such as email.
  5. Minutes
    1. The Board shall maintain and preserve by means of minutes a record of its proceedings and resolutions.
    2. The minutes shall record:
      1. Date, time and place of meeting;
      2. Type of meeting (inaugural, regular, in-camera or special);
      3. Name of presiding officer;
      4. Names of those trustees and administration in attendance;
      5. Approval of preceding minutes;
      6. Only motions will be recorded in the minutes. Preamble, rationale, or discussions will not be recorded in the minutes, unless directed by the Board through resolution;
      7. Points of order;
      8. Appointments;
      9. Notices of motion;
      10. Recommended motions proposed by Committees; and,
      11. Trustee conflict of interest declaration pursuant to Section 58 of the School Act.
    3. The minutes shall:
      1. Be prepared as directed by the Secretary Treasurer;
      2. Be considered an unofficial record of proceedings until such time as adopted by the Board; and
      3. Upon adoption by the Board, be deemed to be the official and sole record of the Board’s business.
    4. The Secretary Treasurer shall ensure that appropriate signatures are affixed to the concluding page of the minutes.
    5. As part of its ongoing effort to keep staff and the public fully informed concerning its affairs and actions, the Board directs the Superintendent to institute and maintain effective and appropriate procedures for the prompt dissemination of information about decisions made at all Board meetings.
    6. The approved minutes of a regular or special meeting shall be posted to the website as soon as practicable following approval. The Superintendent is responsible to post the approved minutes.
    7. Upon adoption by the Board, the minutes of meetings other than in-camera meetings shall be open to public scrutiny.
  6. Rules of Order
    1. All motions shall be in writing, if so required by the Chair.
    2. Any motion to be operative shall require a seconder before any debate is permitted.
    3. A motion having been made and seconded, shall be deemed to be in possession of the Board.
    4. While a question is under debate no motion shall be received unless to refer it, to amend it, to table it, to postpone it definitely or indefinitely, to adjourn, to consider the question informally, or to move the previous question.
    5. The previous question, until it is decided, shall preclude all amendments of the main question and shall be put without debate in the following words, "That this question be now put"; if this question be resolved in the affirmative, the original question shall be put forthwith, without any amendment or debate but if the previous question is resolved in the negative, the main question may be debated and amended.
    6. Amendments shall be put in the reverse order to that in which they are moved, and shall be decided or withdrawn before the main question is put to the vote.  Only one amendment shall be allowed to an amendment and any amendment more than once must be on the main question.
    7. When the question under consideration contains distinct propositions, upon the request of any member of the Board, the vote upon each proposition shall be taken separately.
    8. After the question is finally put by the Chair, no trustee shall speak to the question nor shall any other motion be made until after the result of the vote has been declared, and the decision of the Chair as to whether the question has finally been put shall be conclusive.
    9. Whenever the Chair is of the opinion that a motion is contrary to the rules and privileges of the Board, they shall apprise the trustees thereof immediately, and shall cite the rule or authority applicable to the case without any argument or comment.
    10. Whenever any matter of privilege or order arises, it shall immediately be taken into consideration.
  7. Public Participation
    1. The Board welcomes and provides for a variety of forms of public participation by members of the community.  Meaningful public participation is foundational to the democratic process by informing the Board about matters of interest to the community.  Public participation at regular Board meetings may be through presentations by individuals or delegations, through formal question periods or in the form of written correspondence.
    2. An individual or delegation wishing to present at the regular Board meeting must submit a request in writing to the Secretary Treasurer stating the matters they wish to bring before the Board and including any materials to be presented to the Board.  If the presentation is being made by a delegation, the request must include the name of the spokesperson for the delegation.
    3.  For a presentation or correspondence to be included on the agenda of a regular Board meeting, the request to make the presentation or the correspondence must be received by the Secretary Treasurer (preferably electronically), prior to 16:30 hours on the Wednesday in the week before the Board meeting.
    4. Correspondence will be placed on the closed (In Camera) meeting agenda when it relates to matters that must be dealt with in a closed (In Camera) meeting, or when it is anticipated to harm staff or students.
    5. Approving a request to present at a regular Board meeting will be at the discretion of the Chair at the Board agenda setting meeting prior to the Board meeting.  A request to present at the regular Board meeting may be denied if the presentation:
      1. is anticipated to harm staff or students;
      2. relates to matters that must be dealt with in a closed (In Camera) meeting;
      3.  relates to a matter that should be dealt with through other structures as defined in legislation, Board Policy, or agreement; or
      4. relates to a matter that has been presented to the Board already by the same individual(s) or delegation in the past year. 
    6. The Chair will report in the closed (In Camera) meeting through the Chair's report the reasons for any presentation requests that have not been approved.
    7.  The following procedures apply to presentations to the Board:
      1. The time allotted for the presentation will normally be ten (10) minutes; 
      2. The number of presentations will be limited to four (4) at each regular Board meeting.
      3. Board members may direct questions for clarification through the Chair to the spokesperson; however, the matter will not be debated; 
      4. Normally, the matter will not be considered by the Board at the meeting at which the presentation is made.
      5. The Chair of the Board may waive the notice requirement and permit a presentation before the Board if the Chair of the Board considers the matter to be an emergent item.
    8. Question Period is not to be used as a political forum, or for furthering presentations, or to deal with matters that should properly be dealt with through other channels. Questions or inquiries which deal with or reflect upon the personal or professional attributes of Trustees or District staff will not be recognized. 
  8. Audio/Video Recording Devices
    1. The Board requires that anyone wanting to use recording devices at a public Board meeting must obtain prior approval of the Board Chair. This shall be communicated by the Board Chair at the beginning of the Regular or Special Meeting.
  9. Trustee Disqualification from Office Due to Absences
    1.  Section 52.2 of the School Act provides the authority to disqualify a Trustee from office should the Trustee be continuously absent from Board meetings for a period of three consecutive months unless those absences are due to illness or with the leave of the Board.
    2. The decision to disqualify a Trustee will be in accordance with the School Act as well as Policy 9.9.
    3. For the purposes of Policy 9.9, Board meetings shall be defined as regularly scheduled public Board meetings in the Board’s annual calendar, as approved by the Board.
    4. Consecutive months of absence shall consider only those months in which the Board has a regularly scheduled Board meeting. Consecutive months of absence may include month(s) from the previous school year and the current school year.
    5. A Trustee who is unable to attend a Board meeting should provide advance notice to the Chair of the Board or the Secretary-Treasurer when possible.
  10. Trustee Participation in Meetings through Virtual Means
    1. Trustees should prioritize in-person attendance at Board meetings, but may attend through virtual means if required for extenuating circumstances such as illness, travel, child care responsibilities, or other circumstances that require Trustee attendance in another location.
    2. Trustees may participate in a meeting of the Board through virtual means provided the technological capability is available for both audio and visual communication with the rest of the Board and must ensure that their location provides for privacy should there be a need for confidentiality.
    3. In keeping with the provisions of Policy 9.10.2, the Board Chair may refuse to allow a Trustee to participate through virtual means.
    4. Trustees participating in a meeting of the Board through virtual means are deemed to be present at the meeting and form part of the quorum.
    5. Notwithstanding the requirements of these procedures, a Trustee may attend more than three (3) consecutive Regular meetings of the Board through virtual means without being authorized by resolution of the Board to do so.
  11. Trustee Remuneration

    In accordance with the School Act a Board may authorize the payment of remuneration and reasonable allowance for expenses incurred by trustees in the discharge of their duties.
    1. The Board authorizes that the Chair, Vice-Chair and other Trustees be paid Trustee remuneration effective July 1, 2024 as follows:

      Chair - $22,855
      Vice-Chair - $20,980
      Trustees - $19,522
      These remunerations will be reviewed annually and will increase by no less than the economic increase to CUPE support staff wages in any year.
  12. Trustee Expense Reimbursement

    Travel and related expenses incurred by Trustees and district personnel will be reimbursed as follows:
    1. Per Diem:
      The per diem allowance shall be the same as used by the BC School Trustees’ Association (BCSTA).

      These allowances will be paid in US Funds when incurred in the United States.
    2. International Travel:
      Travel to international locations may result in costs that are higher than established per diem amounts for Canadian travel. All reasonable business travel costs will be reimbursed.
      For the purposes of this policy, travel to international locations is defined as travel outside of Canada and the United States.
    3. Lodging:
      When selecting lodging, district personnel will consult and use either BC Government approved accommodation or accommodation at an equivalent or lower cost unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by a supervisor. All overnight accommodation on Board business is to be charged directly to School District No. 63 if possible, less any personal calls or items charged.  Should it be necessary for the claimant to pay for lodging, a receipt is required to support reimbursement.
    4. Mileage Rates:
      Trustees and district personnel will be reimbursed at the current rate.  The maximum amount claimable is limited to the cost of economy air fare between points travelled, when air transportation is available and practical.
    5. Reimbursement Rates:
      Reimbursement rate will be consistent with the rate set out in the teachers’ collective agreement.
    6. Travel Costs:
      Whenever possible travel arrangements should be made through and billed directly to the Board Office and should be booked in advance so as to take advantage of any fare reductions that are available. Arrangements should be structured such that any benefits that accrue from group bookings (for example, loyalty points or free travel benefits) go to the Board.
    7. BC Government corporate supply arrangements open to school districts (for example for rental cars) should be used where economical.
      Should the claimant pay transportation costs, the amount paid may be claimed provided receipts or tickets are attached to the claim form.
    8. Incidental Expenses:
      Parking, taxi fares, telephone calls, ferry fares, etc., will be paid for by the Board when those expenses are necessary for Board business and when supported receipts.  Expenses under $5.00 will be reimbursed provided a short description of items is included on the claim form.
    9. Travel Advances:
      A travel advance, in an amount not exceeding the estimated expenses to be incurred, may be made on request.  To clear the outstanding advance, the claim form together with applicable receipts is to be forwarded to the Board Office for processing within seven days of the completion of the business or journey.
    10. Trustee Expenses:
      Trustees are understood to incur Board-related expenses related to holding office, which are reimbursed by the remuneration paid to each trustee. Those Board-related expenses include mileage to and from regularly scheduled Board and Committee meetings and general expenses such as the portion of residential or cellular phones, internet costs and computer costs related to Board business.  Additionally, trustees may claim reimbursement for one printer cartridge per year and additional vehicle insurance costs for business use of an automobile.  Cell phone costs may be claimed by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board.
  13. Conflict of Interest
    1. The Board of Education (the “Board”) directs its members not only to adhere to all laws regarding conflicts of interest but also to be alert to situations that have the appearance of a conflict of interest and to avoid actions that might be detrimental to themselves or to the Board.
    2. If a trustee has any pecuniary interest in any matter, or a deemed pecuniary interest as defined in Part V of the School Act, and is present at a meeting of the Board at which the matter is considered, the trustee:
      1. Shall at the meeting disclose his or her pecuniary interest and the general nature of the pecuniary interest;
      2. Shall not take part in the discussion of or vote on any question in respect of the matter; and
      3. Shall not attempt in any way, whether before, during or after the meeting, to influence the voting on any question in respect of the matter.
    3. If the meeting is not open to the public, in addition to complying with the above the trustee shall immediately leave the meeting or the part of the meeting during which the matter is under consideration.
    4. If a meeting is open to the public, every disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature of it shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.  If the meeting is not open to the public, the fact that a disclosure of pecuniary interest was made, but not the general nature of that interest, shall be reported to, and recorded in the minutes of, the next meeting that is open to the public.
  14. Logo and District Names
    1. The Logo and Design Use
      The logo is the property of the Saanich School District and shall only be used by internal and external organizations with prior approval of the Superintendent.
    2. Legal Name:  Board of Education of School District No. 63 (Saanich)
    3. District Names:  Saanich School District or Saanich Schools











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