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Year-end Message to Parents/Guardians from the Superintendent - June 24, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Here we are at the end of another school year.  I am so thankful for the ability to work together as we continue to build a school district with the focus of being better tomorrow than we are today.


I have been attending year-end graduation ceremonies this month, and one of the themes that resonate from these celebrations are the many opportunities that our staff provide to meet the needs of our students – your children. For a relatively small district, the Saanich Schools staff continue to create innovative course and program offerings to meet the diverse learning styles and passions of your children. To do this successfully and collaboratively, we have formed various community partnerships over the years. Some of these include the W̱SÁNEĆ First Nation, South Island Wellness Society,  NIȽ TU,O Child and Family Services Society, The Metis Nation of Greater Victoria, Beacon Community Services, Take a Hike Foundation, Camosun College, The University of Victoria and Vancouver Island University. These relationships, and others, are critical and enrich our ability to offer diverse programming and supports for your children.

A large part of our success is also because of you, the parent/guardian community. We do not take this important relationship for granted. Individual parents, school PACs and our district parent group COPACS, are critical for us to be able to nurture your children’s growth. COPACS has been an integral partner with Saanich Schools for many, many years. If you are not familiar with them or want to become involved, I encourage you to visit the COPACS website for more information.


Recently enacted provincial standards for Student Codes of Conduct mean that beginning next fall Saanich Schools will have expectations in place for student cell phone usage at school. The result will be a new Administrative Procedure (AP345: Student Use of Personal Digital Devices) as well as changes to the district’s Student Codes of Conduct.  For now, I’m providing you with a high-level summary so that you are aware of the aim of these new expectations. In essence, the changes will look like this:

  • Elementary Schools: Little or no use of personal digital devices
  • Middle Schools: Limited use of personal digital devices during instructional time for educational purposes
  • Secondary Schools: Limited use of personal digital devices during instructional time for educational purposes, and during scheduled breaks

There are exceptions to these expectations for students who may require their devices for various reasons such as medical monitoring, or communication and accessibility needs. More information will be provided to you and your children at the beginning of the new school year as we implement these district-wide expectations. AP345 and the updated Student Codes of Conduct will be posted on our district website shortly.


One of the roads our district continues to travel is the road towards Acceptance for everyone. Intolerance such as racism and homophobia continue to make headlines across our province, our country and in our own community.  As schools, we play an important role in building understanding and acceptance. We know that a child who feels appreciated and welcomed at school, regardless of their personal circumstances, is best equipped to learn and achieve to their potential. You have my personal commitment that I will not waver from this belief nor our need to build pathways towards ending misunderstanding and intolerance. We are better because we are together.

The Power of Why: PUTTING A WRAP ON 2023-2024

Seven years ago, I started my professional blog The Power of Why. I use this platform to share my thoughts on current educational research, the importance of leadership and some personal musings on a range of topics. I have just recently posted my year-end blog where I celebrate some school district events that resonated with me. I hope that you will take a few minutes to read PUTTING A WRAP ON 2023-2024 and join me in the celebration of some district highlights as well some of things we will be focusing on next year.

I look forward to working with you again this coming September as we begin another new leg in our adventure. Thank you for your support.

Wishing everyone a wonderfully relaxing and rejuvenating summer,

Dave Eberwein