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Funny, Inspirational, and interesting anecdotes and stories about Saanich School District past, present, and future.

Cordova Bay Cares!

Over the past month we have had many experiences and opportunities, both in and outside of our

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New Career Program Cohorts at ILC

Four new cohorts of Career Programs started in January at ILC including STAC (Skills Trades

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February: Moon of the Child - ṈIṈENE

“The face of the young man represents youth, a new beginning, the rebirth of the animal world, and

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Saanich Spirit of Giving

Students in Saanich worked to support local food banks in December:

  • The Parkland Food and
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Parkland - Every Child Matters

Parkland students found a way to share the message that Every Child Matters in the front foyer by

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Year End - SIS,ET The Elder Moon

SIS,ET  is the oldest in the moon family and means “The Elder.” In reality this is not the first

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December - SJELȻÁSEṈ - Moon of Putting your Paddle Away in the Bush

This moon is the season of strong winds. The weather is unpredictable, making it unsafe to travel

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Remembrance Day in Saanich Schools

Remembrance Day was observed at schools throughout the district in November, including:

  • At North
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Bayside Drum Program

On November 14th Bayside staff, with the support of Bruce Underwood, made 22 drums and donated them

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Safety Month at ḰELSET


      Safety Month at ḰELSET was held in October.  Students had two different presentations

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